Sport & health copywriter, Melbourne


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Health, fitness, sport blogs
Harriet Edmund explains how – and why – blogs are used in 2018. And offers this affordable and effective package to help build your online audience.
Sport blogs
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Health, fitness, sport blogs

How important is evidence-based content?

It’s vital! In fact, industry leaders are using blog posts as a marketing tool to help position themselves as an expert in the field, boost search engine ranking, build trust, announce their latest news and much more. But finding time to write well-researched content that is effective – let alone SEO-friendly – can be difficult. To help, this monthly package will strategically work to build your online following with articles that speak directly to your audience.

Health or sport blog package:

2 blogs per month. Each blog includes:

  • SEO keyword research to find the best primary keyword phrase
  • Engaging SEO friendly content written by an award-winning journalist
  • Research, reference and/or quotes from a key authorities
  • Hyperlinks to relevant information on your website
  • A strategic call to action
  • 2 social media posts with relevant hashtags to share your article
  • 2 rounds of revisions and proofreading

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